The following entries (from beginning runner to half marathon finisher) represents a continuing journey of tremendous grief and sorrow, and of transformation - largely through the therapeutic power of running. The sorrow that has broken my heart open wide has in time allowed me to experience the beauty of being in the present moment. And of course, without the support of family and friends to guide me, I would not have made it this far.

If you have lost someone in your life, I offer these words and verse (some Kristy's, some mine and others) with the hope it may touch your heart and help you heal.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Perhaps reality and unreality
do not exist.
Perhaps it is only a question
of different levels of reality,
some which we do not perceive.
Or of different levels of unreality,
of which we perceive only a few.
Or of different levels
of some unique thing,
which sometimes we see
and sometimes we don't.
-Roberto Juarroz

Elliot  - Thank you for being the unique thing you are and for showing it to me.  

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